Crochet vs Knitting - Everything You Need to Know! ~ Style Nesia
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Crochet vs Knitting - Everything You Need to Know!

Crotchet vs Knitting

Crocheting and knitting have been interchanged or viewed as the same for a long time. It's important to know that's not the case, they are very different. This article will clearly explain the differences as well as the pros and cons.

What is Knitting?

Knitting fashion
Image Source: Canva

Knitting involves the use of two knitting needles and yarn to create fabric with interlocking loops. Knitting needles come in various types and sizes, from very thin needles to thin needles. Each knitting needle has its use, want to know more, read this

The stitches in knitting are uniform in size and shape and the finished fabric is usually a little bit stretchy. The texture can be smooth or textured depending on stitch patterns.

Another fact about knitting is that you can use a machine. Asides the use of the normal two needles, machines can be used to creat knitted wears. The machine is specifically made for knitting as a result of the fact that the stitches in knitting are not so complex.

yarn and hook

Image Source: Canva

Pros and Cons of Knitting 


  • Knitting is portable, it can be done anywhere and at any time.

  • Learning new techniques and stitching methods is relatively easy when you know the basics 

  • You can use a machine to knit.

  • Knitting can create various fabric types from light shawls to cozy and thick scarves.


  • Knitting requires two needles
  • It can be more difficult for beginners, as you have to hold two needles and manage multiple line stitches simultaneously.
  • Fixing a mistake is usually very difficult.

What is Crochet?

white yarn and hook

Image Source: Canva

Crochet is a craft that involves the use of a crochet hook and yarn to create fabric. The yarn is wrapped around the hook and pulled through to create stitches one loop at a time. The stitches can be of different shapes and sizes and the final fabric is usually less stretchy than a knit fabric. The texture of plain crochet is different than knitting but smoother.

Crotchet wear and hook
Image Source: Canva

Contrary to what most people think, crochet cannot be machine made. The reason is because crochet patterns come with a lot of complexity and a machine has not yet been that can allow for these complex patterns. As a result all crochet outfits are completely handmade with a single hook and yarn.

Pros and Cons of Crochet 


  • Crochet is as portable as knitting.

  • Once you've understood the basics, learning new stitches can be easy. 

  • Crochet is easy to pick up and put down in the middle of a row, unlike knitting.

  • Crochet stitches are very stable.
  • Crochet can be used to form 3D shapes.
  • Crochet fabric is usually less stretchy than knitted fabrics.


  • It's usually difficult learning to hold a hook in one hand and the yarn in the other while maintaining tension on the yarn thread.

  • In the beginning, you have to count your stitches to know where to insert your next hook 

  • Crochet uses more yarn than knitting. 

  • Crochet patterns come with more complexity than knitting.

  • It's slower than knitting since knitting can be done with machine.
  • Fixing a mistake is usually difficult.

Which is Better?

Based on all the things considered, there's no better or worse option, you just gave to pick the one that suits you best. But it is usually recommended that as a beginner you start with crochet before moving to knitting. This is also subjective as it depends on your learning style and objective.

So there's no harm in trying both options to find the best fit for you. 

Want more details on how to master crochet? Watch out for my next article on this topic.

Written by Precious Izuka


  1. Big news guys!! I am sure you're curious to know why we decided to publish an article on crochet. We have the full details coming up in our next article, stay tuned!

  2. Wow, I never knew these two are completely different from each other. Thank you.

  3. So I’ve been crocheting all these while not knitting???? Waaawwwuuuu, thank you for this 🙏🏽

  4. Informative 🤲🏽


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